Saturday, January 31, 2009

Murder In A Wheel - Walkthrough

Murder In A Wheel - Walkthrough (Renzo Thönen/2007)

By Leon December 3, 2008

clip_image002Warning! This page contains the complete solution or walk-through to this game. Reading this page can spoil the challenge to complete the game by yourself. Please consider this when reading on. The walk-through of this game given here might not be the optimal solution, it’s a solution. Just to prove that the game can be finished. If you want a section of the walk-through or just a hint, send us an email with the part where you’re stuck, we’ll send you the section of the page you’ll need.

After your conversation with Lord Blackwin where you tell him your profession, the hamster got murdered.

When he asks you to accept the investigation of the hamsters death you accept. Look at the hamster and notice the collar. Something’s missing. Pick up the hamster to find him already stiff. Look at the grating and find it loose so you can open it. Take the FAN from the desk. Walk through the door and pick up the VIOLIN standing on the table.

Look at the cat’s basket to notice the hair. Pick up the CAT’S HAIR. Open the laundry chute and look at it. There’s something stuck but you can’t reach. Walk down the stairs and open the door under the stairs. Look at the storage closet to find the PLIERS. Close the door again and use the door next to it into the kitchen.

Talk to Elsa about everything. Open the drawer left of the cooker and take the pair of SCISSORS out. Look at the cat and her bowl. There’s something in it but you can’t take it. Leave the kitchen and in the hallway use the pliers on the hooks left of the stairs to take a HOOK. Walk up the stairs again and enter the door next to it. On the bed is a COAT HANGER. Take it. Use the scissors on the ball of yarn to take a STRING off. Use the string with the coat hanger to make a bow. Use the scissors on the ball of yarn to take another STRING and use that with the hook. Leave the room and use the string and hook with the laundry chute to get the HANDKERCHIEF out. Look at it to see the stains on it.

Leave the room and walk down the stairs. Use the door in the north to enter the kitchen again. Use the violin to play a bit and let the milk turn sour. You can now use cat’s bowl to take the LITTLE BELL out. Leave the kitchen and open the door on the right to enter the lounge. Give the little bell to Lord Blackwin. So now the cat’s accused of murder. But that can’t be true.

Leave the lounge and walk north into the kitchen. Talk to Elsa again and ask for her feather duster. Tell her you need it to prove the cat’s innocence and you’ll get the DUSTER. Use the duster on the open grate in the kitchen and it’ll turn black. So the cat didn’t go in there.


Leave the kitchen and enter the door on the right to go to the lounge. Use the fan on the power outlet on the right and use the fan to turn it on. Use the cat hair with the fan and Dr. Hadley will sneeze because of his allergy. While sneezing he looses an ARTICLE. Pick it up and look at it to read it.

Present all the evidence so far to Lord Blackwin. Give him the hanky, then the black duster and the article. Leave the lounge and go north into the kitchen. Talk to Elsa again and talk about everything. She’ll tell you more background information on the cat and gives a combination of the safe. Leave the kitchen on the left, go up the stairs and go into the bedroom on the right.

Open the painting to reveal the safe and open the safe to apply the combination you practiced earlier that day. Look at the opened safe to find another hamster. This one is alive and explains a lot! Take the HAMSTER with you and leave the room. Go down the stairs. Walk down the stairs, go into the lounge on the right and give the hamster to Lord Blackwin. There you will also present your final theory.

Lord Blackwin will ask you several questions you have to answer:

- Who killed the hamster? A cat.
- How did the hamster die? Dr. Hadley gave it to a cat.
- When did the hamster get killed? It had been dead for at least a day.
- Why do you think that? There were dry blood stains on the hanky.
- Who brought the hamster inside? Dr. Hadley.
- Who swapped the hamsters? Lady Blackwin.
- Why the swap? It should look like the cat killed the hamster.
- And why? Because then the cat would go to the zoo.

The Lord Blackwin is satisfied and thinks the case is closed. But then the real truth is told.

修正midi 不能播放


fix "No General MIDI DLS file was specified in the registry"


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




"Description"="Microsoft Software Synthesizer"

Friday, January 30, 2009



Download ZoomIt
(129 KB)


ZoomIt v3.01

By Mark Russinovich

Published: January 12, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pioneer DJS 1.601 電腦專用的全音階DJ播放工具

Pioneer DJS 1.601 電腦專用的全音階DJ播放工具


clip_image001PIONEER 發售DJM1000/EFX1000之後,許多玩家期待PIONEER能發售更多優秀的DJ產品,如CDJ新款產品或是DJM600的升級款。不過目 前都還沒有新消息,顯然還需要一段時間才會有。 PIONEER明年焦點轉移到DJ軟體,由於這幾年越來越多有創作的DJ喜愛用電腦混音,PIONEER因應此趨勢,研發了DJS混音軟體,DJS軟體操 作模式以及功能都會和PIONEER PRODJ所發售的DJ硬體接近,讓喜愛PIONEER DJ系列產品的玩家能玩的更得心應手。軟體包含兩台CDJ一台混音器,另外還有類似EFX500的效果器。這軟體還提供轉檔功能,可將WAVE轉成 MP3。
Full-scale DJ play on your home PC: start your DJ career today.
Get the same playability and functionality as our CD-Decks and mixers on your home PC.
• Auto Beat Mix and Program Play
• CDJ or "Vinyl" (scratching) mode
• Onboard multi-effects syncable to BPM
Pioneer’s DJS software was designed for professional and amateur DJs to enable full-scale DJ play on a PC. The software offers the same playability and functionality as the company's Pro DJ products, using a PC instead of two CDJ turntables and a DJ mixer. The DJS software combines the key elements of Pioneer's professional digital CD decks and mixers with a host of innovative features including:
* Auto mixing
* Waveform display for indicating playing position and cue/loop points
* BPM synchronization and beat synchronization
* Eight effects including Delay, Echo, Auto Pan, Trans, Filter, Flanger, Reverb and Pitch Shifter
* Fader start function for controlling the playback of two players (channel, fader and cross fader)
* Create function for setting four points for cues or loops in a song
Also included is a ripping function for converting CD, line input signals and wave files to MP3.
The graphic user interface is intuitive and easy to understand. It follows the same ergonomic design used in all Pioneer CDJ products and mixers. The display shows everything a professional DJ needs to see, including time, BPM, mixer controls, jog dial, hot cue buttons, etc.
The DJ can assign basic functions to a particular key on the PC keyboard. By doing this for frequently used functions, the DJ can establish his or her own playing style – on a keyboard. In addition, the “SYNC” feature automatically beat matches the cued track to the track that is playing and a powerful effects program mimics the effector features of the DJM-600.

Sunday, January 25, 2009



復原 Windows MBR 的各種方式

復原 Windows MBR 的各種方式

玩 Linux 最常見的方式就是切 Partition 做多重開機, 讓 GRUB 寫入 MBR 做開機選單. 但是若不小心把 Linux Partition 刪掉了, 或是哪天不想玩 Linux 了, 想恢復為 Windows 單一作業環境的時候, 就得把 Windows Pre-Boot 程式寫回 MBR 的前 446 Bytes 喔!

方法一:使用 DOS / Win9x / ME 開機片開機

開機後在 MS-DOS 模式下執行 fdisk /mbr

方法二:使用 Windows 2000 / XP 光碟片開機 (過程中需要 Administrator 密碼)

在 Welcome to Setup (歡迎使用安裝程式) 畫面中按 R 或 F10 進入「Windows 修復主控台」

進入主控台後, 輸入 fixmbr

詳細操作過程請參考微軟官方網頁 - Windows XP 修復主控台的說明

方法三:使用 Linux 光碟片開機, 進入 Rescue 模式; 或用 KNOPPIX 之類的 Linux 作業系統開機 (過程中請啟用網路)

依序輸入以下指令恢復 Windows MBR

wget -O /tmp/ms.mbr
dd if=/tmp/ms.mbr of=/dev/hda
exit (重開機時請移除光碟片)

  • 以上操作結果同 fdisk /mbr
  • 網路上流傳 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1 效果等同 fdisk /mbr 是錯誤的, 這樣只會清掉 MBR 的 Pre-Boot 內容而已.
  • 警告: 請勿於頭腦混沌、神智不清時使用 dd 指令; 使用時請特別注意數字是否正確!

方法四:什麼開機片都沒有, 但開機後還有 GRUB> 提示符號

依序輸入以下指令啟動 Windows

rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

  • (hd0,0) 其中 hd0 表示 Primary IDE Master HDD, 0 表示第一個分割區, 請依實際狀況套用.
  • 注意: 這只是解決 Windows 的啟動問題而已, 仍要靠前三種方法的其中一種才能讓 MBR 恢復正常喔! 當然, Windows 開機後您也可以上網尋找其他的解決方案 :)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Debut Video Capture Software 免費畫面錄影

Debut Video Capture Software
Record video from webcam, capture devices or screen

image image

Records video in many different file formats including .avi, .wmv, .flv, .asf .mpg, .3gp, .mp4, .mov and more

Friday, January 16, 2009

[WinXP] 無法"切換使用者"解法

[WinXP] 無法"切換使用者"解法

(1)要先啟動 Terminal Services 才可以



開啟windows7 media player的音樂視覺效果:

開啟windows7 media player的音樂視覺效果: 

(1)由清單切到現正播放:(右下角的Switch to Now Playing) 
